We are very happy to be able to finally set up the practica, in a nice big venue ... the most important thing is that many of you are joining us in a search of excellence in tango! ...
We enjoy dancing in milongas, a lot, but we have been long for a place to practice tango seriously and have fun in the process of exchanging ideas with different people. We wish our practica can be a place where we can grow together in tango ... so come and join us !!
The idea of our Practica is ...
We embrace all styles of tango, be it Salon, Milonguero, Nuevo, stage ... in our practica, eveyone are respected to develop their unique style ...
At times, we'll give out Guided Sessions with concepts of particular themes each time, and at different intervals we'll add something for you to keep practicing ...
Free dancing and practicing, although we don't have code of etiquette like in milongas, please be reasonably considerate to each others on the dance floor ...
Keep practicing - we hope everyone come to really practice, those who are not dancing with partners are still encouraged to practice on their own techniques, if you don't know what to do, come to us, we have a lot of exercises for you ...
Everyone is free to exchange ideas and ask questions and try things out, we learn through experimenting things ...
Change partners to test your lead and follow, don't stick to one for the whole nite
Music appreciation - we'll introduce different style of musics and musicians from traditional tango to nuevo or alternative musics ...
Show time - Every now and then, we'll invite demonstrations by different couples, just have fun to show what you have to others and through this process, we'll see the progress of each others and will work hard together! ...
Our main aim of the practica is : Practice, practice, practice and improve together!
If you have any other ideas or suggestion to the practica, please let us know.